
Htaccess Code Generator

The htaccess code generator can generate code to accomplish multiple goals for a website based on the available options below. Htaccess code can be created for both php or html web pages. Replace in the htaccess code with the domain name you want the code to apply to. The htaccess code generator can force the use of the https version of a website which is more secure, force www to be in the url if it wasn't already, remove 'index.php' or 'index.html' from the home page's url, allow file names in the url without the extension attaced to the file name, remove the extension from the file name in the url, block a list of unwanted bots and redirect to a custom 404 page when a page is not found. Only use 'Custom 404 Page' if you have created a custom 404 file and replace '404.php' with the name of your 404 file.